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I’m interested in reaching homeowners and those with a higher disposable income, what does your audience look like?

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I just opened my first business and would like to start my marketing efforts, how do I go about that?

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My company has its own Facebook page and I send weekly e-mails to our customer list, why should I spend money on advertising?

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How can I get a story published about my business?

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I’m interested in print advertising, but I’m not sure of the publications that would impact my business.

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I’m unsure of what my marketing budget should be?

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I’m interested in reaching people just in a specific zip code.  Do you have a product or products that can do that?

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I want to speak to someone in a leadership role in advertising, but don’t know who to call?

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What size ad should I run?

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I don’t like my website; can I still do digital ads?

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Can I just do one ad to try it out? How many ads should I run/how long do I need to advertise?

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What type of offer should I include in my ad?

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What is my goal for advertising?

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What are realistic expectations for my advertising and marketing campaign?

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How do I identify my ideal customer?